
We take great pride in our brand and want to ensure the trademark and logo are used correctly. Use this page to understand the do’s and don’ts of the Current RMS brand.

Our Logo

Our logo is our most important asset. It is instantly recognizable and represents our modern, fresh, and vibrant brand. Make sure it is visible and clear on the chosen background and use the correct version for the space provided.

Horizontal & Vertical Logo

The full color logo can only be placed over a light or dark neutral background color.

Current RMS brand over a white background
Current RMS brand over a dark background
Current RMS vertical brand over a white background
Current RMS vertical brand over a dark background

The logo can only be placed over a colorful background if used in a flat white format.

Current RMS brand over a red background
Current RMS brand over a orange background
Current RMS brand over a blue background
Current RMS brand over a blue background

Our Symbol

Our symbol can be used on its own where appropriate, but you must make sure that it’s visible and clear on the chosen background.

Current RMS symbol over a white background

White background

Current RMS symbol over a light gray background

Light Gray background

Current RMS symbol over a dark background

Dark Gray/Black background

Current RMS symbol over a green background

Colored background

Spacing & Exclusion Zone

The use of white space around the Current RMS logo is essential; the brand should never be placed too close to the edges. Always leave enough white space to ensure the elements are not crammed together and everything is readable.

X = Typography height

Current RMS white space and exclusion zone

Minimum Height

It is crucial to make sure the logo is readable, therefore we have established a limit to how small you can reduce the logo size, both in web and print material.

The Current RMS vertical logo should not be smaller than 80px or 15mm height

The vertical logo should not be smaller than 80px or 15mm height

The Current RMS horizontal logo should not be smaller than 40px or 8mm height

The horizontal logo should not be smaller than 40px or 8mm height

The Current RMS symbol should not be smaller than 40px or 8mm height

The symbol should not be smaller than 40px or 8mm height

What Not To Do

We’ve put a lot of love and care into the creation and development of our logo and brand; do not mistreat it.
No attempt should be made to alter the logo in any way.

Do not place Current RMS logo near edges

Do not place logo near edges

Do not change Current RMS logo proportions

Do not change logo proportions

Do not distort the Current RMS logo in any way

Do not distort the logo in any way

Do not change the Current RMS logo elements order

Do not change elements order

Do not change the Current RMS logo colors

Do not change logo colors

Do not split the words of the Current RMS logo

Do not split the words

Do not change the typography of the Current RMS logo

Do not change the typography

Do not rotate the Current RMS logo

Do not rotate the logo

Do not apply a gradient to the logo symbol or typography of the Current RMS logo

Do not apply a gradient to the logo symbol or typography

Do not place the Current RMS logo over a busy background

Do not place full color logo over a busy background

Do not use the Current RMS typography without the symbol

Do not use typography without the symbol

Do not outline or create a keyline around the Current RMS logo

Do not outline or create a keyline around the logo

Our Brand Colors

These are the four colors that represent our brand.
Green should be the first choice whenever possible.

Current Red

R204 G0 B30
C12 M100 Y92 K4

Current Orange

R239 G125 B0
C0 M60 Y99 K0

Current Blue

R0 G189 B255
C67 M6 Y0 K0

Current Green

R129 G188 B0
C44 M0 Y98 K0

The Use of the Current RMS Name

Take care to refer to Current RMS in the correct way when writing about us

  • “Current RMS” must be used in the first instance in your copy, after which you may use “Current”.
  • Do not spell out the RMS e.g. “Current Rental Management Software”.
  • Always capitalize “Current” and make sure that “RMS” is all uppercase.
  • If you are mentioning us in agreed content, always link through to our website on the first mention of our brand.

Do not use the Current RMS name in the following ways:






Restrictions on Naming and Logos

We love hearing about software developers, business consultants, and other companies who are interested in providing additional services for Current. However, we’ve put a few restrictions in place to maintain the integrity of our brand.

Naming Your Service

It cannot begin with “Cur” or be similar to “Current” in sound or spelling.

It must not imply endorsement by Current RMS, but suggesting to users that the service is created “for Current RMS” is acceptable.

Your Service’s Logo

Your logo must not include or look similar to the Current RMS logo or any of our brand elements.

Do not incorporate Current RMS’ trademarks, in whole or in part, in your company name, product, application, service, or website without our consent.

No Pairing Brands

Do not use the Current RMS brand together with any other brand, or in any co-branded communications, unless we have permitted you to do so in writing and reviewed all content before it goes live.

Please contact the Current RMS marketing team to discuss co-branded communications.

Contact Current RMS team

Get in Touch

If you are looking to create an integration with Current RMS or simply need access to our brand pack, please get in touch with our team and we will happily provide you with the right files.

Ask for the brand pack