Security in Current RMS

Security is built into the very core of Current RMS

Surrent RMS is hosted on Amazons AWS infrastructure

Hosted on AWS

Current RMS is hosted on Amazon’s AWS infrastructure, which is trusted by companies like Xero, Trello and Netflix.

Our servers are physically secure, with military grade perimeter security, strict access control, and automatic fire detection and suppression systems.

Our infrastructure is configured with multiple servers in mirror with each other to provide failure resilience.

All access to Current RMS is via SSL technology only

SSL Technology

All access to Current is via SSL technology only, (HTTPS), which establishes a secure connection between your device and Current.

We use firewalls and other network access control mechanisms to prevent interference or access from outside intruders.

Our database is encrypted at rest, and all data backups are encrypted and securely stored.

Secure login procedures in Current RMS

Secure Login Procedures

All access to Current is through having a valid username and password associated with your subdomain.

You can apply additional levels of protection through Single Sign On.

You can also use Two Factor Authentication.