• tips & tricks
  • 01 Jan 2018

Tips & Tricks Wand Icon Tips & Tricks
Exploring Opportunities

Current RMS is packed with useful tricks and shortcuts to speed up your processes when you’re putting your jobs together.

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F rom adjusting the charge total to meet a customer in the middle, to cloning jobs or products to shortcut your time, there’s lots within the system you might not know about.

Deal Pricing

Need to set a deal price to you job?

Make use of our Do a Deal feature to easily apply a deal price to your Opportunities! It’s easy to apply a quick round number to your opportunity as a whole, or to any individual groups you’ve set up on your job. Now, the total charge price will reflect exactly what you and your client have agreed on.

Revert Status

Have you ever accidentally allocated, prepped, booked out, or checked-in gear in the detail view when you didn’t mean to? Not a problem!

We’ve added a Revert Status option in the Action menu, so you can change one or multiple products back to their previous status.

Revert Status

Shopping Cart

Did you know you can start pulling an inquiry together in the Product Catalog?

Put a draft together quickly using the ‘rent’ and ‘sell’ buttons in the Product Catalog to create a shopping cart, and start filling it with your items! Once you’ve added all your products in, simply ‘Check out’ to convert this to a quote.

Shopping Cart

Cloning Jobs, Products & Opportunities

Are you aware of the clone feature in Current RMS?

It can be used to duplicate previous records such as Jobs, Products and Activities - extremely handy for repeat business, similar kit packages, or for creating follow up activities. Simply clone it and amend the details to save yourself loads of time.

Cloning jobs, products and opportunities

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